This website incorporates the following media and programming code, distributed under the terms of the licenses indicated below.
Photographs from Unsplash
Rendered art from Emojipedia
Code and icons
Table of contents from Pure Liquid
©Vladimir Jimenez
MIT License
Data group filtering from Jekyll Group-By-Array
©Max White
MIT License
Rate limiter from jQuery throttle / debounce
©Ben Alman
MIT License
CSS layout framework from Susy
©Miriam Eric Suzanne
BSD 3-clause License
Media functions from Breakpoint
©Mason Wendell and Sam Richard
GPL2/MIT Licenses
Icons from The Noun Project
©Garrett Knoll, Arthur Shlain and Tracy Tam
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Icons from Font Awesome
©Dave Gandy
SIL OFL 1.1 and MIT License